Advanced Structural Dynamics and Acoustics
50 |
Cell-Matrix Mechanics
21 |
Compressible Fluid Dynamics
22 |
Computational Geometry
13 |
Computational Ocean Acoustics (13.853)
17 |
Control of Manufacturing Processes (SMA 6303)
33 |
Decision Making in Large Scale Systems
12 |
Design and Manufacturing II
15 |
Design of Ocean Systems
13 |
20 |
Dynamics and Control I
32 |
Dynamics and Control II
13 |
Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems
9 |
Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis
10 |
Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems
9 |
Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids I
12 |
Fluid Mechanics - Advanced
38 |
Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion
8 |
Fundamentals of Engineering Design
12 |
How and Why Machines Work
15 |
Identification, Estimation, and Learning
11 |
Introduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J)
11 |
Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
12 |
Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering
11 |
Introduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211)
9 |
Introduction to Robotics
22 |
Introduction to Sustainable Energy
9 |
Management in Engineering
8 |
Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles
47 |
Marine Hydrodynamics
11 |
Marine Power and Propulsion
9 |
Mechanics & Materials I
22 |
Mechanics and Materials II
32 |
Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
10 |
Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics
8 |
Multi-Scale System Design
12 |
Multi-Scale System Design-I
11 |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
9 |
Nonlinear Dynamics IChaos
10 |
Numerical Fluid Mechanics
13 |
Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics
9 |
Optical Engineering
9 |
Quantum Computation
10 |
Radiative Transfer
10 |
System Design and Analysis based on AD and Complexity Theories
9 |
System Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing
10 |
Systems, Modeling, and Control II
9 |
Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems
13 |
Turbulent Flow and Transport
13 |